Today, querying the massive amounts of images available in online databases such as Instagram can be a time-consuming experience. Researchers from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and the University College London, have developed a new tool that generates image queries based on a geometric description of objects in spatial relationships with potential applications in computer graphics, computer vision and automated object classification.
Amin Allam (CEMSE PhD student in the InfoCloud group) supervised by Prof Panos Kalnis has won the second prize in the AstraZeneca-Sanger Drug Combination Prediction DREAM Challenge 1B. Amin Allam utilized Bayesian inference to achieve the 2nd place.

Our workshop proposal on large-scale human activity understanding was accepted to CVPR2016. We will be releasing the results of the 1st annual ActivityNet challenge during the workshop. This venue allows researchers in the field to evaluate their activity classification and detection techniques on a large-scale benchmark of in-the-wild video sequences.