Amal Al-Amri wins Silver Medal at Ibtikar Exibition 2013
Amal Al-Amri, a Saudi female PhD student of Electrical Engineering Program in the Integrated Nanotechnology Lab led by Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain has received the Silver Medal in Ibtikar Exhibition 2013.
Amal Al-Amri, a Saudi female Ph.D. student of Electrical Engineering Program in the Integrated Nanotechnology Lab led by Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain has received the Silver Medal in Ibtikar Exhibition 2013 held at Riyadh International Exhibitions Centre. This is a fierce competition where the inventors arrive from the whole GCC areas and The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) made the final evaluation. Amal's invention title is, "Quantum dot nanobiological application as DNA nanosensors" which is an evolution of her MSc work at King Abdulaziz University where her thesis title was, "Synthesis and Optical Properties of Multicolored Fluorescent Quantum Dots". Amal is presently researching the development of an ultra-mobile medical patch that can communicate various body measures wirelessly through a cyber-physical system. One of the direct application areas of such devices can be annual Hajj where pandemic control is always an important factor. Amal is interested in research and scientific innovations. She has maintained active memberships in the Saudi Association for Physical Sciences. In the past, she also won the Innovative Award in KAU in 2008 and got second place on Scientific researchers at KAU.