"Force-deformation laws, Love numbers, and the Association Principle". This lecture contains a discussion about realistic force-deformation relations used for celestial bodies, their empirical description by means of Love numbers, and their mathematical modelling by means of the "Association Principle''.



"Force-deformation laws, Love numbers, and the Association Principle". This lecture contains a discussion about realistic force-deformation relations used for celestial bodies, their empirical description by means of Love numbers, and their mathematical modelling by means of the "Association Principle''. 

Brief Biography

Clodoaldo Grotta Ragazzo holds a degree in Naval Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP),  a degree in Biosciences from USP, both obtained in 1986, and a PhD degree in Physics from  USP (1989). He was a research visitor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University from September 1992 to June 1995 and a Visiting Assistant Professor at  the Mathematics Department of Princeton University from September 1995 to June 1996. He is currently a professor at USP. He works in the area of Mathematics, mainly on the following topics:  Hamiltonian systems, celestial mechanics, and fluid mechanics.


Prof. Clodoaldo Grotta Ragazzo, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Sao Paulo