Frequency-Domain Description of Semiconductor Mode-Lock Lasers

This talk presents a frequency-based theoretical framework utilizing multimode laser theory to explain the diverse dynamical behaviors of semiconductor mode-lock lasers by analyzing mode competition and multiwave mixing through a generalized Alder's equation, with direct connection to the semiconductor bandstructure.


There are much recent research activities involving semiconductor mode-lock lasers, motivated by applications ranging from spectroscopy to conventional and quantum coherent communication. This talk discusses a frequency-based theoretical approach to describing the vastly different dynamical behaviors. Central to the approach is mode competition and multiwave mixing treated with multimode laser theory. Results are understood in terms of frequency locking of coupled oscillators, describable by generalized Alder’s equation. Understanding with direct connection to bandstructure comes from consistent treatment of linear and nonlinear optical responses of quantum-mechanical electron-hole polarizations.


Weng Chow, Single Photon Sources, Sandia National Laboratories, United States

Brief Biography

Weng Chow is a member of technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, where he works on applying microscopic theory to optoelectronic device development.  Some of this work is described in two texts, Semiconductor-Laser Physics and Semiconductor-Laser Fundamentals: Physics of the Gain Materials.  He has served on the IEEE Photonics Society Board of Governors and as associate editor of Journal of Quantum Electronics. He is Fellow of OSA and IEEE, and recipient of the LEOS Distinguished Lecturer Award, Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award and IEEE Quantum Electronics Award.