Low power approaches to communication and computing system design
In this talk we discuss approaches to low power design for advanced communication and computing platforms. Specifically, we present the concept of cognitive power management, where contrary to common approaches that assume a 100% error free hardware, the algorithm is made aware of the statistical error performance of the underlying hardware platform. By accounting for hardware errors at the system level, the explorable power management design space is significantly expanded, leading to novel power saving schemes that deliver expected application performance at much lower power consumption. Sample case studies including LTE system design and in-memory computing platforms will be presented and discussed.
In this talk we discuss approaches to low power design for advanced communication and computing platforms. Specifically, we present the concept of cognitive power management, where contrary to common approaches that assume a 100% error free hardware, the algorithm is made aware of the statistical error performance of the underlying hardware platform. By accounting for hardware errors at the system level, the explorable power management design space is significantly expanded, leading to novel power saving schemes that deliver expected application performance at much lower power consumption. Sample case studies including LTE system design and in-memory computing platforms will be presented and discussed.
Brief Biography
Ahmed M. Eltawil is a Professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Professor Eltawil joined KAUST in September 2019. Prior to that he was with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) since 2005. He is the founder and director of the Communication and Computing Systems Laboratory (CCSL) at KAUST and the inaugural founder and director of the Wireless Systems and Circuits Laboratory at UCI. His current research interests are in the general area of smart and connected systems with an emphasis on mobile systems. He received the Doctorate degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2003 and the M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees (with honors) from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 1999 and 1997, respectively. Dr. Eltawil has been on the technical program committees and steering committees for numerous workshops, symposia, and conferences in the areas of low power computing and wireless communication system design. He received several awards, as well as distinguished grants, including the NSF CAREER grant supporting his research in low power computing and communication systems.