Power Electronics Applications in Offshore Wind Farms
Advances in power electronics have enabled many renewable energy applications. Wind energy harnessing is very promising and offshore farm installations have grown considerably in the past years. In this seminar we will go through some of the fundamentals of these enabling technologies and their applications. We will also present a simple, reliable, efficient and cost-effective concept applied to parallel connection of offshore wind turbines.
Advances in power electronics have enabled many renewable energy applications. Wind energy harnessing is very promising and offshore farm installations have grown considerably in the past years. In this seminar we will go through some of the fundamentals of these enabling technologies and their applications. We will also present a simple, reliable, efficient and cost-effective concept applied to parallel connection of offshore wind turbines.
Brief Biography
Otavio Bertozzi is currently pursuing his M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at KAUST under the supervision of Prof. Shehab Ahmed. He obtained his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Sao Paulo State University (Unesp). He was a Science Without Borders (CSF) undergraduate exchange student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). He was an undergraduate intern at Intel Corporation's Connected Home Division (CHD) in Germany before joining KAUST. His research interests are power electronics, renewable energy applications and control systems.