Functional Differential Equations in Models of Collective Behavior - Colloquium
I will give an overview of recent results for models of collective behavior governed by functional differential equations. The talk will focus on models of interacting agents with applications in biology (flocking, swarming), social sciences (opinion formation) and engineering (swarm robotics), where latency (delay) plays a significant role. I will explain that there are two main sources of delay - inter-agent communications and information processing
Coffee Time : 15:30 -16:00
I will give an overview of recent results for models of collective behavior governed by functional differential equations. The talk will focus on models of interacting agents with applications in biology (flocking, swarming), social sciences (opinion formation) and engineering (swarm robotics), where latency (delay) plays a significant role. I will explain that there are two main sources of delay - inter-agent communications and information processing - and show that they have qualitatively different impacts on the group dynamics. I will give an overview of analytical methods for studying the asymptotic behavior of the models and their mean-field limits. Finally, motivated by situations where finite speed of information propagation is significant, I will introduce an interesting class of problems where the delay depends nontrivially and nonlinearly on the state of the system, and discuss the available analytical results and open problems here.
Brief Biography
1999-2003 MSc. in Applied Mathematics, Charles U. in Prague
2003-2008 PhD. in Applied Mathematics, U. of Vienna
2008-2009 Postdoc in PDE Analysis, Vienna U. of Technology
2009-2012 Postdoc in PDE Analysis, Johann Radon Institute, Linz
2012-2020 Research Scientist, CEMSE, KAUST
2021-present Senior Research Scientist, CEMSE, KAUST