Distributed beam tracking for vehicular communications via UAV-assisted cellular network
- Prof. Young-Chai Ko, School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University
B1 L3 R3119
In this talk, a distributed beam tracking scheme for millimeter-wave unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)- assisted communication systems is presented. In the considered systems, aerial node base (aNB) connects the ground vehicles (GV) through directive beams to mitigate the path loss. However, line-of-sight (LoS) blockage may result in the link disconnection, which leads to the corruption of observations. To solve this issue, we extend the one-to-one beam tracking into the multi-node cooperative beam tracking scheme.
In this talk, a distributed beam tracking scheme for millimeter-wave unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)- assisted communication systems is presented. In the considered systems, aerial node base (aNB) connects the ground vehicles (GV) through directive beams to mitigate the path loss. However, line-of-sight (LoS) blockage may result in the link disconnection, which leads to the corruption of observations. To solve this issue, we extend the one-to-one beam tracking into the multi-node cooperative beam tracking scheme. For the multi-node cooperative problem, we develop the distributed extended Kalman filter (EKF)-based beam tracking to overcome the high nonlinearity and field- of-view (FoV) limitation of the observation model. While the multi-node cooperation scheme alleviates the corruptions of the observations, it may cause the error propagation between neighbor nodes. Thus, we incorporate the resilient network control into the proposed scheme. Consequently, a distributed EKF-based multi-node cooperative beam tracking protocol is proposed for the correction of corrupted observations and link stability. From our comprehensive simulation, the result of the proposed scheme shows 87.07% error reduction compared to the single node method. This improvement is comparable to the result of the centralized method (91.28% error reduction), and the proposed scheme also has the advantage of scalability.
Brief Biography
Young-Chai Ko (S97-M01-SM06) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical and telecommunication engineering from the Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN in 1999 and 2001, respectively. He was with Novatel Wireless as a research scientist from January 2001 to March 2001. In March 2001, he joined the Texas Instruments, Inc., wireless center, San Diego, CA, as a senior engineer. He is now with the school of electrical engineering at Korea university as a professor. His current research interests include the design and evaluations of multi-user cellular systems, MODEM architecture design, mm-wave, Tera Hz, and FSO wireless systems.