
Building 1, Level 3, 3139-WS25.

Education Profile:

Ruslan Zhagypar has received a B.Eng. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, in 2021.

Research Interests:

Wireless networks, Stochastic geometry, Machine learning, and Sound Source Localization.

Honors & Awards

Summa cum laude – bachelor's degree of ECE at Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan.


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Selected Publications

R. Zhagypar, K. Zhagyparova and M. T. Akhtar, "Spatially Smoothed TF-Root-MUSIC for DOA Estimation of Coherent and Non-Stationary Sources Under Noisy Conditions," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 95754-95766, 2021.
R. Zhagypar, K. Zhagyparova and M. T. Akhtar, "Exploiting the Rules of the TF-MUSIC and Spatial Smoothing to Enhance the DOA Estimation for Coherent and Non-stationary Sources," 2020 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2020, pp. 236-241.
K. Zhagyparova, R. Zhagypar, A. Zollanvari and M. T. Akhtar, "Supervised Learning-based Sound Source Distance Estimation Using Multivariate Features," 2021 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), pp. 1-5,2021.