Lucia Gastaldi, Professor, Numerical Analysis at the University of Brescia, Italy
Tuesday, September 07, 2021, 15:00
- 16:00
Building 1, Level 4, Room 4102
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In this talk I report some results on the approximation of fluid-structure interaction problems using non matching grids. Our formulation originates from the Immersed Boundary Method and then moved toward the Fictitious Domain approach. The advantages of this formulation is that it avoids the difficulties related with mesh generation and it allows the treatment of fluid and solid in their natural Eulerian and Lagrangian framework. I present the well-posedness of our formulation at the continuous level in a simplified setting. Moreover, I shall discuss various time discretizations that provide unconditionally stable schemes and some computational details.
Thursday, October 29, 2020, 12:00
- 13:00
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Eigenvalue problems associated with partial differential equations are key ingredients for the modeling and simulation of a variety of real world applications, ranging from fluid-dynamics, structural mechanics, acoustics, to electromagnetism and medical problems. We review some properties related to the approximation of eigenvalue problems. Starting from matrix algebraic problems, we present a series of examples and counterexamples showing that even extremely simple situations can produce unexpected results.