Matthew Sainsbury-Dale
Matthew Sainsbury-Dale is a PhD student at the University of Wollongong (UOW), and has already submitted his PhD. In 2022, Matthew spent 5 months visiting the Extreme Statistics Research Group at KAUST. Furthermore, from March to August 2023, he worked for KAUST in the extSTAT research group as a remote consultant. Since January 2024, while waiting for feedback from his PhD committee (and before relocating as a postdoc at KAUST), he is again working in the extSTAT group as a remote consultant.
Education and Early Career
Matthew Sainsbury-Dale obtained a Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced (Honours Class I) in 2019 from UOW. He joined the Ph.D. program in Statistics at UOW in 2020.
Research interests
Matthew Sainsbury-Dale research interests focus primarily on statistical deep learning (particularly the use of deep learning to facilitate parameter inference), spatial statistics, statistics of extremes, and the development of statistical software.