Zhongwei Zhang
Zhongwei Zhang was a Ph.D. student in Statistics at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), under the supervision of Prof. Raphaël Huser. Zhongwei successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Flexible Extremal Dependence Models for Multivariate and Spatial Extremes" on October 25th, 2022; see his PhD thesis here. His PhD committee was composed of Professors Raphaël Huser (chair), Jonathan Tawn (external examiner from Lancaster University, UK), David Bolin, and Ajay Jasra. For his next career steps, Zhongwei has accepted a postdoctoral position at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, under the supervision of Prof. Sebastian Engelke, starting in January, 2023.
Education and Early Career
Zhongwei Zhang obtained his Master degree in pure mathematics in 2018 from the Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. He joined the PhD program in Statistics at KAUST in 2018, and successfully defended on October 25th, 2023 (details above).
Research interests
Zhongwei Zhang's research interests focus on Extreme Value Theory and its applications, stochastic partial differential equations, and graphical models.