Ainur Sharip
Ainur Sharip obtained her master's degree under the supervision of Associate Professor Jürgen Kosel in the University's Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science & Engineering division. As a member of Kosel's Sensing, Magnetism and Microsystems (SMM) research group, Sharip and her colleagues investigated the behavior of stem cells upon culturing on magnetic iron nanowire substrate, with a specific focus on cytoskeleton rearrangement and the differentiation of cells.
Currently a Ph.D. student in Bioscience, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Ainur Sharip previously earned her B.Sc. in Biological Sciences from Nazarbayev University (NU), Astana, Kazakhstan, in 2017.
Research Interests
Ainur Sharip is interested in developing a technology platform for the rapid biosynthesis of high-value natural products using molecular, synthetic, and structural biology techniques.
Selected Publications:
- Analysis of origin and protein-protein interaction maps suggests distinct oncogenic role of nuclear EGFR during cancer evolution, A. Sharip, D. Abdukhakimova, X. Wang, A. Kim, Y. Kim, A. Sharip, A. Orakov, L. Miao, Q. Sun, Y. Chen, Z. Chen, Y. Xie
- Reverse the Resistance to PARP Inhibitors Y. Kim, A. Kim, A. Sharip, A. Sharip, J. Jiang, Q. Yang, & Y. Xie. International journal of biological sciences, 13(2), 198, 2017
- Ultrashort peptide nanogels release in situ generated silver manoparticles to combat emerging antimicrobial resistance strains. Seferji, K., Susapto, H. H., Arab, W. T. A., Sharip, A., Sundaramurthi, D., Rauf, S., & Hauser, C. Presented at Winter Enrichment Program, KAUST (2017). Journal of Cancer, 8(5), 903, 2017