
Anthony Ramos is an MS/PhD Student at Visual Computing Center (VCC) in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), studying under the supervision of Professor Helmut Pottman in his research group.

Education and Early Career

Anthony have obtained Bachelor's degree in Physicist from Yachay Tech University, Urcuqui, Ecuador -  government project with the idea of making an international university for the country, from which he was part of the second generation of students.

Research Interest

Anthony Ramos is passionate about geometry and programming. He loves to bring problems to geometry contexts so they are more intuitive to solve them or simply find a better way to represent them. Anthony found his passion for geometry while working on a project on computational geometry, where classic algebraic geometry was used to solve a classical problem of the Voronoi diagram of quadrics in an exact way.

Apart from geometry, Anthony loves to play a retro-style videogame, cycle, and trek.


Awards and Distinctions

  • Dean Honor List
  • Magna Cum Laude


I love to bring problems to geometry context so they are more intuitive for me to solve or find a better way to represent them