Daniela Cisneros
Daniela Cisneros was a Ph.D. student in Statistics at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), under the supervision of Prof. Raphaël Huser. Daniela successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Extreme-Value Models and Graphical Methods for Spatial Wildfire Risk Assessment" on September 11th, 2023; see her PhD thesis here. Her PhD committee was composed of Professors Raphaël Huser (chair), Jorge Mateu (external examiner from Universitat Jaume I, Castillón, Spain), Hernando Ombao, and Matteo Parsani. For her next career steps, Daniela will return to Mexico where interviews with several consulting and financial firms are awaiting.
Education and Early Career
Daniela Cisneros obtained her Master in Science in 2012 from The Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Mexico. She joined the Ph.D. program in Statistics at KAUST in 2017.
Research interests
Daniela Cisneros's research interests focus on statistics of extreme events with particular interest in spatial wildfire risk assessment, combining the development of specialized extreme-value models with desirable tail properties, spatial process models, graphical methods, and deep learning approaches, in order to analyze and predict the behavior of spatio-temporal extreme events in a statistically rigorous and computationally efficient way.