Peng Zhong
Peng Zhong was a Ph.D. student in Statistics at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), under the supervision of Prof. Raphaël Huser. Peng successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Modeling and Simulation of Spatial Extremes Based on Max-Infinitely Divisible and Related Processes" on April 4th, 2022; see his PhD thesis here. His PhD committee was composed of Professors Raphaël Huser (chair), Daniel Cooley (external examiner from Colorado State University, US), Marc Genton, and Ajay Jasra. For his next career steps, Peng has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship position at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, under the joint supervision of Prof. Scott Sisson and Prof. Boris Beranger, starting in January, 2023.
Education and Early Career
Peng obtained his Bachelor of Economics in Financial Mathematics in 2017 from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China. He joined the PhD program in Statistics at KAUST in 2017, and successfully defended on April 4th, 2022 (details above).
Research interests
Peng Zhong's research interests focus on extreme-value statistics with a particular attention to max-infinitely divisible models, Bayesian statistics, and spatio-temporal statistics.
In a world with more and more extreme events happening, modeling extremes has become a necessity. My research interests aim at providing flexible tools to evaluate the risk and the impact of such extreme events.