Tae-Yong Park
Taeyong is now a PhD student at KAUST. His research interests include Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Large bandgap group- nitride and GaN, fabricate Micro Light emitting diode and photodetector
Education Profile
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, Aug. 2020 - present
- M.S. in Materials System Engineering at Pukyong national university, Republic of Korea, Mar. 2018 - Feb. 2020
- B.S. in Materials System Engineering at Pukyong national university, Republic of Korea, Mar. 2012 - Aug. 2017
Awards and Distinctions
- Award for Best Presentation at SiC Semiconductor Conference
- Outstanding Poster Paper Award at KIEEME Annual Autumn Conference
- First prize at KIEEME Photograph Competition for Material Engineers
Professional Memberships
- KICET-PKNU Co-researcher
- Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology & Pukyong National University
- Nov. 2017 - Feb 2020