Yan Gong
Yan Gong was a Ph.D. student in Statistics at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), under the supervision of Prof. Raphaël Huser. Yan successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Flexible Multivariate, Spatial, and Causal Models for Extremes" on March 28th, 2023; see her PhD thesis here. Her PhD committee was composed of Professors Raphaël Huser (chair), Valérie Chavez-Demoulin (external examiner from HEC Lausanne at UNIL, Switzerland), David Bolin, and Mohammed-Slim Alouini. For her next career steps, Yan has accepted a short-term postdoctoral research position at Imperial College London, UK, under the supervision of Pro. Almut Veraart, starting in April 2023. She has also accepted a longer-term postdoctoral research position at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston MA, US, under the supervision of Prof. Kyu Ha Lee, due to start in October 2023.
Education and Early Career
Yan obtained her Bachelor degree in Applied Mathematics in 2016 from the Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China. She obtained her M.Sc. degree in Statistics from KAUST in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Raphaël Huser.
Honors and Awards
Siyuan Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Xi’an Jiaotong.
Research interests
Yan Gong's research interests focus on statistics of extremes and risk assessment, as well as causal inference methods, with applications to financial, environmental and health data.