UESTC students visit CEMSE Laboratories during a one week Winter Camp at KAUST
Twenty-two undergraduate students from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, are currently visiting the CEMSE Division as part of one week Winter Camp at KAUST.
-By Francesca Serra
Twenty-two undergraduate students from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, are currently visiting the CEMSE Division as part of one week Winter Camp at KAUST.
The student's visit is aimed to inspire their future research paths and to learn of the varied KAUST offerings in the field of Electrical Engineering. Students have also explored the related laboratory facilities.
During an intense one-week program that will end Monday, February 5th, the visiting group will attend seminars and laboratory demonstrations on the hottest topics of photonics, printable electronics, and IoT.
The UESTC students engaged in discussions with several CEMSE Faculty from the Electrical Engineering Program: Atif Shamim (Head of the Integrated Microwaves Packaging Antennas and Circuits Technology Laboratory ), Andrea Fratalocchi (Head of PrimaLight ), Xiaohang Li (Head of the Advanced Semiconductor Laboratory ), Boon Ooi (Head of the Photonics Laboratory and Director of KACST - Technology Innovation Center for Solid-StateLighting ), Muhammad Hussain (Head of the Integrated Nanotechnology Lab ), Hossein Fariborzi (Head of the Green Integrated Circuits and Systems Group ) and Carlo Liberale (Head of Vibralab ). The visiting students had also the chance to participate in a full day workshop organized by Talal AlAttar, Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Program.
KAUST is among the newest and most modern post-graduate university in the world. The KAUST internship, Master, and Ph.D. program attract selected students from more than 100 countries around the globe. International Faculty includes Fellows of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), of the Optical Society of America (OSA), of the American Physical Society (APS), Senior Members of the IEEE, and many more. Part of the Division pride is also the large number of awards that both Faculty and students annually receive in the areas of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computational Sciences.