Thursday, September 19, 2024, 14:00
- 16:00
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Autonomous driving technology promises to revolutionize transportation systems, yet faces significant challenges in 3D perception, real-time computing, and decision-making in complex, dynamic environments.
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 13:00
- 15:00
Building 3, Level 5, Room 5220
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Simulation tools capable of transient electromagnetic analysis are essential for designing and optimizing electromagnetic, photonic, and optoelectronic devices. In recent years, time-domain differential equation based solvers have found widespread use due to their advantages over integral equation counterparts in analyzing transient electromagnetic field/wave interactions and multiphysics problems. This dissertation develops a group of time-domain differential equation solvers for analyzing transient electromagnetic scattering from penetrable objects and multiphysics phenomena in optoelectronic devices. In addition to providing detailed formulations of these solvers, this dissertation presents numerical examples which demonstrate their accuracy, efficiency, and applicability to real-life problems.
Atif Shamim, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Hakan Bagci
Monday, March 21, 2022, 08:30
- 17:30
Campus Library Seaside and virtual (please click registration link at the bottom)
The technological evolution has led to the current high-performing wireless communication systems that we use on a daily basis. However, coping with the increasing demand is becoming more and more challenging, especially since we are approaching the limits of what can be done with the available resources. One of these resources is bandwidth. This spectrum scarcity problem has motivated researchers to explore new frequencies for wireless communications. Due to this reason, the upper radio-frequency (RF) spectrum, from mmWave and THz to optical bands, is being pursued, which is termed as “Extreme Bandwidth Communication.” This conference brings world experts and the brightest minds from academia and industry to present the latest trends, challenges, results, and opportunities in the field of extreme bandwidth communication.
Rui Chen, PhD Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering, KAUST
Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 16:00
- 18:00
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Time-domain methods are preferred over their frequency-domain counterparts for solving acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems since they can produce wide-band data from a single simulation. Among the time-domain methods, time-domain surface integral equation solvers have recently found widespread use because they offer several benefits over differential equation solvers. This dissertation develops several second-kind surface integral equation solvers for analyzing transient acoustic scattering from rigid and penetrable objects and transient electromagnetic scattering from perfect electrically conducting and dielectric objects. For acoustically rigid, perfect electrically conducting, and dielectric scatterers, fully explicit marching-on-in-time schemes are developed for solving time domain Kirchhoff, magnetic field, and scalar potential integral equations, respectively.
Wednesday, April 01, 2020, 15:30
- 17:30
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In this thesis, efficient solutions are sought out to fundamental problems in Electromagnetic (EM) imaging that determines the shape, location, and material properties of an (unknown) object of interest in an investigation domain from the scattered field measured away from it. The solution of an EM inverse scattering problem inherently poses two main challenges: (i) non-linearity, since the scattered field is a non-linear function of the material properties and (ii) ill-posedness, since the integral operator has a smoothing effect and the number of measurements is finite in dimension and they are contaminated with noise. The non-linearity is tackled incorporating a multitude of techniques (ranging from Born approximation (linear), inexact Newton (linearized) to complete non-linear iterative Landweber schemes) that can account for weak to strong scattering problems. The ill-posedness of the EM inverse scattering problem is circumvented by formulating the above methods into a minimization problem with a sparsity constraint, which assumes that the dimension of the unknown object relative to the investigation domain is much smaller. Numerical experiments, which are carried out using synthetically generated measurements, show that the images recovered by these sparsity-regularized methods are sharper and more accurate than those produced by existing methods. The methods developed in this work have potential application areas ranging from oil/gas reservoir engineering to biological imaging where sparse domains naturally exist.
Sunday, November 03, 2019, 12:00
- 13:00
Building 9, Level 2, Hall 1, Room 2322
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Hakan Bagci is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (EE) and Principal Investigator of the Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory (CEML).  His scientific contribution are in advancing high-speed and long-distance communication, energy transfer, and medical imaging. Bagci’s research interests are in various aspects of applied and theoretical computational electromagnetics with emphasis on Time-domain integral-equations and their fast marching-on-in-time-based solutions and solvers to the characterization of wave interactions on complex integrated and electrically large system of photonics and optics. 
Sunday, April 07, 2019, 12:00
- 13:00
B9 Hall 1
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Semiconductor-based terahertz (THz) devices such as photoconductive antennas (PCAs) and photomixers (PMs) are widely studied as promising candidates of THz source generation and signal detection. Recent experimental research has shown that using nanostructures in the design of these devices dramatically enhances their optical-to-THz conversion efficiency, possibly allowing their use in widespread industrial applications. However, the nanostructures also increase the complexity of design and fabrication.