​Dr. Zouheir Rezki chair of WCNC'16 workshop on Physical-Layer Security​​​

The Physical-Layer Security Workshop will take place during WCNC 2016 in Doha, Qatar, April 3, 2016. Previously unpublished contributions in physical-layer security are solicited, including (but not limited to):

  • Code design for wiretap channels
  • Alignment and structured codes for wiretap channels
  • Secure capacity of multipath, fading, MIMO channels
  • Effects of channel state information on secure communications
  • Secure capacity of multi-user wireless networks
  • Cooperative secure communications
  • Secret key agreement and distillation
  • Secret key capacity of wireless channels
  • Integration of physical-layer security into wireless systems
  • Practical and implementation issues

Submitted papers should be of sufficient length and details for review by experts in the field. Papers should be submitted for review through EDAS at:




Final papers will be limited to 7 pages in length in the standard IEEE conference paper format. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore.


General Chairs:

  • Steven McLaughlin (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Hesham El Gamal (Ohio State University)
  • Eduard Jorswieck (Dresden University of Technology)
  • Rafael Schaefer (Princeton University)
  • Zouheir Rezki (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST))


Advisory Committee:

  • Sennur Ulukus (University of Maryland)
  • Aylin Yener (Penn State University)



Keynote Speakers

  • Ueli Maurer, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Jean Claude Belfiore, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France

For more information, please visit the official page of the workshop: