KAUST Research Conference on 4th 6G Summit: Super Connect the Connected - Connect the Unconnected
The Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) have undeniably revolutionized various aspects of human life. As the standardization of the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication systems (WCSs) has been completed, 6G is expected to be the next focus in wireless communication and networking and aims to provide new superior communication services to meet the future hyper-connectivity demands in the 2030s. With this background, this Summit aims to go over the recently proposed solutions not only to connect the unconnected/under-connected but also to super-connect the connected.
The Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) have undeniably revolutionized various aspects of human life. As the standardization of the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication systems (WCSs) has been completed, 6G is expected to be the next focus in wireless communication and networking and aims to provide new superior communication services to meet the future hyper-connectivity demands in the 2030s. With this background, this Summit aims to go over the recently proposed solutions not only to connect the unconnected/under-connected but also to super-connect the connected.
For more information about speakers and the agenda, please visit the 4th 6G Summit website.
Registration is now open for KAUST in-person participants as well as online attendees.
Call for E-Poster
The 6G Summit is calling for posters from all KAUST researchers, postdocs and students. Visit our website for requirements and submit your poster here by November 18, 2023.
This event is organized by CEMSE Division with financial support from the Office of Research Funding and Services (RFS).