Using Massive MIMO Arrays to Reject Radar-Generated Interference and to Perform Integrated Sensing and Communications
- Prof. Stefano Buzzi, University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Italy
This webinar will explore the potentiality of massive MIMO arrays in a scenario where radar and communication tasks coexist. The first part of the talk will be devoted to the discussion of a scenario where a wireless network is to co-exist with an external radar system sharing the same frequency band. The second part of the talk will be instead focused on a scenario where a base station equipped with a large scale antenna array simultaneously perform the task of radar surveillance of the surrounding environment and of data communication with mobile users.
This webinar will explore the potentiality of massive MIMO arrays in a scenario where radar and communication tasks coexist. The first part of the talk will be devoted to the discussion of a scenario where a wireless network is to co-exist with an external radar system sharing the same frequency band. It will be shown that uplink data communication of the wireless system is not affected by the radar interference in the massive MIMO regime. The second part of the talk will be instead focused on a scenario where a base station equipped with a large scale antenna array simultaneously perform the task of radar surveillance of the surrounding environment and of data communication with mobile users. Transceiver processing schemes will be illustrated that, exploiting the space selectivity property of large arrays, permit simultaneous execution of both surveillance and communication tasks with little mutual interference. Finally, a discussion on further extensions of the proposed approaches will conclude the talk.
Brief Biography
Stefano Buzzi (M'98-SM'07) is Full Professor at the University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Italy. He received the M.Sc. degree (summa cum laude) in Electronic Engineering in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1999, both from the University of Naples “Federico II”. He has had short-term research appointments at Princeton University, Princeton (NJ), USA in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2006. He is a former Associate Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters and of the IEEE Communications Letters, has been the lead guest editor of three IEEE JSAC special issues (June 2014, April 2016, and April 2019), while is currently serving as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and as a guest editor for the Frontiers in Communications and Networks Research Topic on Advancements in Communication-Radar co-existence. He is also a Member of the IEEE Future Networks Editorial Board, and serves regularly as TPC member of several international conferences. Dr. Buzzi’s research interests are in the broad field of communications and signal processing, with emphasis on wireless communications and radar signal processing. He has co-authored about 160 technical peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, and among these, the highly-cited survey paper “What will 5G be?” (IEEE JSAC, June 2014) on 5G wireless networks.