Civil drones traffic management: Wireless communication for safe UAV
- Prof. Sofie Pollin, KU Leuven
In this webinar, we describe the common terminology for these two communities. First, the traffic management system architecture, requirements, terminology, and services are discussed. A quick overview of existing technologies that can be useful for aerial deconfliction. Next, the focus will shift to wireless technologies used for the tactical (while flying) deconfliction: ADS-B, p2p LoRa, WiFi, FLARM.
Small drones are becoming a part of our everyday life. They are used in a wide variety of commercial applications, and the number of drones in the air is steadily growing. To ensure the safe operation of drones, traffic management rules must be designed and implemented by avionics and telecommunication experts. In this webinar, we describe the common terminology for these two communities. First, the traffic management system architecture, requirements, terminology, and services are discussed. A quick overview of existing technologies that can be useful for aerial deconfliction. Next, the focus will shift to wireless technologies used for the tactical (while flying) deconfliction: ADS-B, p2p LoRa, WiFi, FLARM. These technologies require only on-board equipment. The use of ground infrastructure will be discussed. Focus will be on theoretical models, simulation studies, with sufficient results from measurement campaigns as well.
Brief Biography
Sofie Pollin obtained her PhD degree at KU Leuven with honors in 2006. From 2006-2008 she continued her research on wireless communication, energy-efficient networks, cross-layer design, coexistence and cognitive radio at UC Berkeley. In November 2008 she returned to imec to become a principal scientist in the green radio team. Currently, she is associate professor at the electrical engineering department at KU Leuven. Her research centers around Networked Systems that require networks that are ever more dense, heterogeneous, battery powered and spectrum constrained. Prof. Pollin is BAEF and Marie Curie fellow, and IEEE senior member.