An Overview of 6G Requirements and Potential Enabling Technologies – A Mobile Network Operator's Perspective
- Dr. Youssouf Ould Cheikh Mouhamedou, Technology Alliances and Partnership Supervisor, Saudi Telecom Company (STC)
B1 L3 R3119
The success of 5G from business perspective (creation of revenue and growth) will have a big say on the future shape of 6G. In fact, 5G standard is still evolving with new 3GPP releases issued periodically, leading to 5G-Advanced and possibly 5G-Advanced Pro in coming years. Also, 5G ecosystem is still at a relatively early stage of development. However, all major players (researchers, vendors, mobile network operators, regulators) have already started their 6G activities in line with the tradition of having G+ every 10 years. This talk is about 6G, taking into consideration mobile network operator's point of view in terms of practical and economic issues. It will provide an overview of mobile networks evolution, from 1G to 6G. It will also discuss the gap between 5G vision and 5G reality and the reasons behind it. Further, 6G key requirements as well as a tentative roadmap and timeline will be presented. Finally, some potential enabling technologies will be discussed.
The success of 5G from business perspective (creation of revenue and growth) will have a big say on the future shape of 6G. In fact, 5G standard is still evolving with new 3GPP releases issued periodically, leading to 5G-Advanced and possibly 5G-Advanced Pro in coming years. Also, 5G ecosystem is still at a relatively early stage of development. However, all major players (researchers, vendors, mobile network operators, regulators) have already started their 6G activities in line with the tradition of having G+ every 10 years. This talk is about 6G, taking into consideration mobile network operator's point of view in terms of practical and economic issues. It will provide an overview of mobile networks evolution, from 1G to 6G. It will also discuss the gap between 5G vision and 5G reality and the reasons behind it. Further, 6G key requirements as well as a tentative roadmap and timeline will be presented. Finally, some potential enabling technologies will be discussed.
Brief Biography
Youssouf Ould Cheikh Mouhamedou has 20 years of experience relating to R&D, telecom industry, software development, IoT, and management. In 2014, he joined Saudi Telecom Company (STC), as senior R&D expert, and since 2021 he works as Technology Alliances & Partnership Supervisor. He is also a member of Advisory Board of Rimedo Labs, a spin-off of Poznan University of Technology, Poland. Prior to joining STC, he worked as an assistant professor at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia; a postdoctoral fellow at TELECOM Bretagne, France; and a research engineer at Communications Research Centre, Canada. He received a Dipl.-Ing. degree and Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Technical University of Munich, Germany, and McGill University, Canada, in 2001 and 2005, respectively.