IMPACT members win poster competition awards in WEP 2013 at KAUST

​Master student Mena Gadalla has won the 2nd prize in the Master students category for his poster titled, "Nano Antenna Integrated Rectifier for THz Energy Harvesting." at the Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) 2013 poster competition and Muhammad Arsalan (Sensors Lab post-doctoral fellow) won the 2nd prize in the post-doc category for the poster titled, "A 5.2GHz, 0.5mW RF Powered Wireless Sensor with Dual On-Chip Antennas for Implantable Intraocular Pressure Monitoring." This is a joint project between the IMPACT and Sensors lab and Dr. Loic Marnat has contributed to the on-chip antenna design of the project. 

There were more than 100 submissions from all over the university and 12 faculty members (assistant professors to center directors) voted for all the shortlisted posters. The contestants were categorized based on their level of education, not based on their programs or divisions or the nature of their research (experimental vs. theoretical).​