Di Wang, assistant professor of computer science, joined KAUST in January 2021 to take up his new role as principal investigator of the KAUST Privacy-Awareness, Responsibility and Trustworthy (PART) Lab. Wang’s research interests include machine learning (ML), security, theoretical computer science, and data mining.
Gaurav Agarwal, a Ph.D. candidate in statistics and member of KAUST Associate Professor Ying Sun's Environmental Statistics (ES) research group, recently won an American Statistical Association (ASA) Student Paper Award sponsored by the Sections on Computing and Graphics (SCSG). In addition to his ASA SCSG award, Agarwal has also been selected a Distinguished Student Paper Award winner by the Eastern North American Region (ENAR) of the International Biometric Society for his paper titled "Flexible Quantile Contour Estimation for Multivariate Functional Data: Beyond Convexity."
Nazek El-Atab, a research scientist based in the KAUST MMH Labs, was recently named amongst the MIT Technology Review Arabia’s "MENA Innovators Under 35 (IU35)" for 2020. Together with nine other trailblazers, El-Atab was acknowledged by a leading panel of academic and industry experts as being among the young innovators “who are advancing science and technology” in the MENA region.
Former KAUST Sensors Lab researcher Hesham Omran (Ph.D. ’15) has received the prestigious Egyptian State Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences. Omran was honored by Egypt's Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) for his scientific contributions and achievements for a “distinguished scholar younger than 40.”
KAUST Ph.D. student Asrar Damdam has been selected as one of the six winners of the 7th L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Middle East Regional Young Talents Program. Damdam received the prestigious award for her design and fabrication of a reconfigurable silicon-based electronic platform specifically designed for a heart-assistive device. The platform was designed to comply with the heart’s shape and its rhythmic expansions and contractions during the cardiac cycle.
Professor Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo joins KAUST from the University of Luxembourg (UNILU), where he served as FNR PEARL Chair of UNILU’s Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine and Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust. He joins KAUST as the director of the recently established KAUST Resilient Computing and Cybersecurity Center (RC3).
The annual CEMSE Student Research Excellence Awards and Student Academic Accomplishment Awards celebrate the talent and achievements of the Division's students. Awarded around the KAUST Commencement ceremony, the awards are presented in recognition of the academic accomplishments and research impact created by our leading students in the fields of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS), Computer Science (CS), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Statistics (STAT).