Second KAUST-KFUPM Photonics Workshop

On Wednesday, March 2, 2011, "2nd KAUST-KFUPM Photonics Workshop" was held at KAUST. Faculty, students, researchers, and visitors from the University of Michigan, University of St. Andrews, University of Central Florida, City University of London, and KFUPM participated enthusiastically in the day-long workshop.

Among the visiting speakers, Prof. Pallab Bhattacharya, University of Michigan, gave a talk on “Quantum dot and nanowire visible LEDs and lasers”; Prof. Thomas Krauss, University of St. Andrews, gave a talk on “Controlling light in photonic nanostructures for enhanced emission and sensing applications”; Prof. Eric Michielssen, University of Michigan, gave a talk on “Fast-multipole (FMM) accelerated integral equation methods for analyzing photonic devices; Prof. George Stegeman, University of Central Florida, gave a talk on “Nonlinear optics of high intensity laser filaments in air; and Prof. Aziz Rahman, City University of London, gave a talk on “Rigorous characterization of nanophotonic devices by finite element method.

KAUST-KFUPM 2nd Workshop Program

KAUST CEMSE EE Photonics KAUST KFUPM 2nd Workshop Flyer


Later on, KAUST and KFUPM faculty illustrated their recent works in photonics research. The workshop ended with a poster session from Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Researchers from KAUST and KFUPM.