Research Scientist, Electrical and Computer Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Managing Director in Insyab Wireless Limited, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Research Interests
- Energy-efficient wireless multi hop networks.
- Cross-layer protocol design.
Applications of stochastic geometry in performance analysis.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Electrical Engineering, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (Telecom Paris Tech), France, 2013
- Master of Engineering (MEng)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, United States, 2006
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
- Electrical Engineering, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 2003
- Arabic
- Native or bilingual proficiency
- English
- Full professional proficiency
Selected Publications
- Bader, A. ., abed-meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2015). Reduction of Buffering Requirements: Another Advantage of Cooperative Transmission.
- Bader, A. ., abed-meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2013). A Fully Distributed Geo-Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Bader, A. ., Abed-Meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2013). Optimized Beaconless Geo-Routing for Smart Utility Networks.
- Bader, A. ., Abed-Meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2013). Beaconless Georouting Under The Spotlight: Practical Link Models and Application Scenarios.
- Bader, A. ., Abed-Meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2012). A novel insight into beaconless geo-routing. Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2012 IEEE. Presented at the. Anaheim, CA, USA: IEEE.
- Bader, A. ., Abed-Meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2012). What does it cost to deliver information using position-based beaconless forwarding protocols?. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). Presented at the. Paris, France: IEEE.
- Bader, A. ., Abed-Meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2012). An Efficient Multi-Carrier Position-Based Packet Forwarding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Bader, A. ., Abed-Meraim, K. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2011). Utilization of OFDM for Efficient Packet Forwarding in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM 2011. Presented at the. Houston, TX, USA: IEEE.
- Bader, A. ., & Ekici, E. . (2008). Performance Optimization of Interference-Limited Multi hop Networks.
- Bader, A. . (2007). Cooperative Digital Audio Broadcast Networks. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Presented at the. Glasgow, UK: IEEE.
- Bader, A. . (2007). Single-radio location-based multi hop packet relaying. International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS ’07). Presented at the. Athens, Greece: IEEE.
- Bader, A. ., & Ekici, E. . (2006). Throughput and delay optimization in interference-limited multi hop networks. Proceedings of the 7th ACM Interational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, MobiHoc 2006, Florence, Italy, May 22-25, 2006. Presented at the. Florence, Italy,: DBLP.