Giovanni Chisci
Giovanni Chisci works in the Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy.
Selected Publications
Journal Publications
- L. Mucchi, L. S. Ronga, G. Chisci, "Noise-Loop Multiple Access," IEEE Transsction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8255-8266, Oct. 2016.
- G. Chisci, H. ElSawy, A. Conti, M.-S. Alouini, M. Z. Win, "Spatiotemporal Modeling for Uncoordinated Massive Wireless Networks," Under review in IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking.
- G. Chisci, A. Conti, L. Mucchi, M. Z. Win, "Intrinsic Secrecy in Inhomogeneous Stochastic Networks," To appear in IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking.
Conference Publications
- G. Chisci, H. ElSawy, A. Conti, M.-S. Alouini, M. Z. Win, "On the Scalability of Uncoordinated Multiple Access for the Internet of Things," in Proc. of the 14th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2017), Bologna, Italy, Aug. 2017.
- G. Chisci, A. Conti, L. Mucchi, M. Z. Win, "Maximum Secrecy Rate in Inhomogeneous Poisson Networks," in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Mar. 2017.
- L. Mucchi, G. Chisci, E. Del Re, L. S. Ronga, "Noise-Loop Multiple Access for Wireless Communications," in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop of Massive Uncoordinated Access Protocols in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICC 2015), London, UK, Jun. 2015.
Scientific and Professional Memberships
IEEE Member, IEEE Communication Society Member.
Education Profile
- Ph.D. in Information Engineering, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy (November 2015 – March 2018).
- Visiting Ph.D. Student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (MA), U.S.A. (January 2016 – January 2017)
- M.S. in Telecommunication Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy (September 2011 – June 2014).
- B.S. in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy (September 2008 – September 2011).