Malek Khammassi
Malek is an MS/PhD student in the Communication Theory Lab (CTL) under the supervision of Professor Mohamed-Slim Alouini at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
Education and Early Career
Malek started her undergraduate studies with two preparatory years in mathematics and physics at the Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Tunis. Then, she successfully graduated among the top 2% in the National Competition to Enter Engineering Schools in Tunisia. Malek obtained her bachelor's degree in Polytechnic Engineering from Tunisia Polytechnic School in 2020. During her bachelor's studies, Malek conducted research at the Communication Signaux Images Lab (COSIM), where she worked on signal processing using deep learning in collaboration with Prof. Amel Benazza-Benyahia, full professor at SUP'COM-Tunis and Prof. Mounir Kaaniche, associate professor at Université Paris 13. Malek joined KAUST in fall 2020. During her graduate studies, she narrowed her research interest to communication theory. Her research work includes the channel modeling of fluid antenna systems and precoding for high throughput satellite systems under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini and Dr. Abla Kammoun.
Research Interest
Wireless Communication, Satellite Communication, MIMO Systems, Signal Processing
Education Profile
MSc in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia (August 2020 – 2022)
National Engineering Diploma, Tunisia Polytechnic School, Tunis, Tunisia (September 2017 - September 2020)
Communication technologies are nothing but a manifestation of the human unlimited imagination. KAUST is an environment where creativity is celebrated.