
Maurilio Matracia is a doctoral student under Dr. Mustafa Kishk’s and Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini’s supervisions at the Communication Theory Lab (CTL) in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

Education and Early Career

Maurilio studied at the University of Palermo (Italy), where he received both a B.S. and a M.S. degrees in Energy Engineering (2017) and Electrical Engineering (2019), respectively. His bachelor thesis involved evolutionary algorithms in order to study the influence of the soil non-homogeneity on the design of grounding systems. His master thesis based on the nanofabrication processes for Silicon-on-Insulator (SoI) devices, which he has experienced as a visiting student at KAUST.
Maurilio’s career started in 2014 as a private teacher of Mathematics, Physics, and Circuits. Then, during Summer 2017 he worked as a power systems designer. He also attained the professional license in Electrical Engineering in 2020.

Research Interest 

Maurilio’s current research interests involve the application of stochastic geometry to study novel network architectures for rural and emergency communications. 

Honors and Awards

In 2018, Maurilio has been selected to collaborate for both the 18th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and the 4th  International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry, receiving certificates of appreciation financial rewards.
In 2019, he has been selected among more than 2000 students to join the E3 – EPFL Excellence in Engineering internship program under prof. Farhad Rachidi’s supervision.
His master thesis dissertation has been rewarded ‘Cum Laude’ and has unanimously received the appreciation of the technical committee for its high technological content.
In 2021, his work “Wind Turbine-Mounted Base Stations for Coverage Enhancement in Rural Areas” has been awarded with the 2nd place prize at the IEEE SusTech 2021 student poster contest.

Selected Publications

1.    M. Matracia, M. A. Kishk, and M.-S Alouini, "Coverage Analysis for UAV-Assisted Cellular Networks in Rural Areas", IEEE Open Journal on Vehicular Technology, to appear.

2.    M. Matracia, M. A. Kishk, and M.-S Alouini, "On the Spatial and Geographical Aspects of Post-Disaster Wireless Communication Networks", submitted.

3.    M. Matracia, M. A. Kishk, and M.-S Alouini, "Exploiting Wind Turbine-Mounted Base Stations to Enhance Rural Connectivity", submitted.

4.    M. Matracia, M. A. Kishk, and M.-S Alouini, "Coverage Analysis for UAV-Assisted Cellular Networks in Post-Disaster Scenarios", journal under preparation.

Education Profile

  • Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, KAUST, 2019-present
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Palermo (Italy), 2017-2019
  • B.S. in Energy Engineering, University of Palermo (Italy), 2013-2017

Awards and Distinctions

  • Collaborations for two international conferences, University of Palermo, 2018
  • Selected to join the E3 – EPFL Excellence in Engineering internship program, 2019
  • Master thesis rewarded ‘Cum Laude’ and with the appreciation of the technical committee for its high technological content, University of Palermo, 2019
  • 2nd place prize at the IEEE SusTech 2021 student poster contest for the work “Wind Turbine-Mounted Base Stations for Coverage Enhancement in Rural Areas”, KAUST, 2020


KAUST is a unique place providing great opportunities for professional and personal growth. I have always been fascinated about wireless communication technologies as I believe they are one of the main pillars of modern societies’ development