Mostafa Mohamed Lotfy Emara
PhD Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering at KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Research Interests
- Statistical modeling
- Wireless networks
- Stochastic geometry
- Machine learning
Awards and Distinctions
- Scholarship to pursue his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals - KFUPM , 2014 - 2018
- Recipient of the first-class honors award from Tanta University, Tanta University, 2005
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia, 2018
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt, 2005
- Master of Science (M.S.)
- Telecommunications Engineering, Technical University of Munich , Germany, 2017
I feel excited with the research facilities and the collaborative research spirit at KAUST.
Selected Publications
- Emara, M. ., Elsawy, H. ., Sorour, S. ., Al-Ghadhban, S. ., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2018). Optimal Caching in 5G Networks With Opportunistic Spectrum Access.
- Emara, M. ., ElSawy, H. ., Sorour, S. ., Al-Ghadhban, S. ., Alouini, M.-S. ., & Al-Naffouri, T. Y. (2018). Optimal Caching in Multicast 5G Networks with Opportunistic Spectrum Access. GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference. Presented at the. Singapore: IEEE.
- Emara, M. ., ElSawy, H. ., Sorour, S. ., Al-Ghadhban, S. ., Alouini, M.-S. ., & Al-Naffouri, T. Y. (2018). Flexible Design of Millimeter-Wave Cache Enabled Fog Networks. 2018 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps). Presented at the. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: IEEE.