Research scientist with Information Science lab (ISL), Electrical engineering department, KAUST, KSA
Research Interests
- Molecular communication.
- Terahertz Communications.
- communication networks.
- AI for healthcare.
- Security and reliability analysis of next generation communication networks.
Awards and Distinctions
- Ericsson travel grant award , Ericsson, 2014
- Best demo award , IEEE WoWMoM, 2012
- Exemplary reviewer award, IEEE Communications letters, 2015 - 2016
- PhD (Dr. rer. nat.)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, United States, 2013
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
- Electrical Engineering, University of engineering and technology, Pakistan, 2007
KAUST is no doubt an oasis of knowledge and a beacon of hope that provides unmatched conducive environment to facilitate the faculty, researchers and students alike to advance the state-of-the-art in their fields.
Selected Publications
- Nawaz, M. W., Bouzerdoum, A. ., Rahman, M. M. U., Abbas, G. ., & Rashid, F. . (2024). Dense Optical Flow Estimation Using Sparse Regularizes From Reduced Measurements. IEEE Access ( Volume: 12).
- Aman, W. ., Kouzayha, N. ., Rahman, M. M. U., & Al-Naffouri, T. Y. (2023). On the Downlink Coverage Performance of RIS-Assisted THz Networks. IEEE Communications Letters ( Volume: 28, Issue: 1, January 2024).
- Sadoun, M. S. N., Rahman, M. M. U., Al-Naffouri, T. ., & Laleg-Kirati, T.-M. . (2023). EEG Epileptic Data Classification Using the Schrodinger Operator’s Spectrum. 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Presented at the. Sydney, Australia: IEEE.
- Aman, W. ., Al-Kuwari, S. ., Muzzammil, M. ., Rahman, M. M. U., & Kumar, A. . (2023). Security of underwater and air–water wireless communication: State-of-the-art, challenges and outlook.
- Shah, S. W. H., Li, R. ., Rahman, M. M. U., Mian, A. N., Aman, W. ., & Crowcroft, J. . (2021). Statistical QoS guarantees of a device-to-device link assisted by a full-duplex relay. Wiley.
- Aman, W. ., Rahman, M. M. U., Haider, Z. ., Qadir, J. ., Nawaz, M. W., & Sidhu, G. A. S. (2020). Maximizing secrecy rate of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing‐based multihop underwater acoustic sensor network. Wiley.