Sajid Ahmed
Current position
I am a Research Scientist at KAUST. The broad area of my research is array signal processing with application to radar and communication. My current research focuses on finding low complexity innovative solutions and development of state-of-the-art technologies, for autonomous vehicles and biomedical problems.
Why did you choose KAUST?
I was very much inspired by the worthy endeavor of making KAUST a new “House of Wisdom” in the region, and I wanted to be a part of it. KAUST is a model institution for the advancement of scientific research.
How is KAUST helping you fulfill your dream?
KAUST is providing me with full independence to do my research. My children are also getting the best education here at The KAUST Schools. KAUST is a truly multi-cultural community and institution, and I am proud of to be a part of the community.
What is your research topic?
My research topics include waveform design for MIMO-radar and localization of target using passive radar.
What is are your research accomplishments before and after joining KAUST?
The focus of my research is the areas of array signal processing with applications to communications and radar. Before joining KAUST, I worked in the top universities of the world, and have published a number of high-quality journal papers. I am a recipient of a contribution award for my excellent research from the University of Edinburgh (UK).
In KAUST, my group has published a number of high-quality journal papers. We have also organized a number of workshops in Saudi Arabia to teach how to design radar in practice. I also have become the senior member of IEEE in KAUST.
What do you think about the KAUST environment and social life?
KAUST is truly a multi-cultural institution. At KAUST, people come from all over Saudi Arabia, Europe, the United States, Asia, Australia, and Africa. They come here with different ways of thinking, different cultures, and different approaches for solving problems. To socialize and work with them is both exciting and challenging
Selected Publications
Ph.D. Thesis:
- S. Ahmed, "Iterative and Recursive Methods of Equalization for Doubly Selective Channels," King's College London, London, UK, Oct. 2005.
M.S. Thesis:
- S. Ahmed, "Impact of Bandlimiting on MSK Digital Signals," University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, UK, Oct. 2002.
Journal Publications:
S. Mazahir, S. Ahmed, and M. S. Alouini, “A survey on joint communication-radar systems,” To appear in On Advancements in Communication-Radar Co-existence, Frontiers Communications, Feb. 2021.
M. Khalid, O. Amin, S. Ahmed, and M. S. Alouini, “Modeling of viral aerosol transmission and detection,” IEEE Transaction on Communication, pp. 4859–4873, vol. 68, no. 8, Aug. 2020.
M. Zubair, S. Ahmed, and M. S. Alouini, “Frequency diverse array radar: New results and discrete Fourier transform based beampattern,” IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, pp. 2670-2681, vol. 67, Jun. 2020.
T. Yaqoob, S. Aziz, S. Ahmed, O. Amin, and M. S. Alouini, “Fractional Fourier transform based QRS complex detection in ECG signal”, in proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2020), Barcelona, Spain, May 2020.
M. Zubair, S. Ahmed, and M. S. Alouini, “Frequency diverse array radar: A closed-form solution to design weights for desired beampattern”, in proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), Barcelona, Spain, May. 2020.
1. Sajid Ahmed, Taha Bouchoucha, Tareq Al-Naffouri, Mohamed Slim Alouini, “Direct Closed-Form Design of Finite Alphabet Constant Envelope Waveforms for Planar Array Beampattern”, USPTO 2018-0052219-A1, Feb. 2018.
2. Sajid Ahmed, Seifallah Jardak, Mohamed Slim Alouini, “Generation of Correlated Finite Alphabet Waveforms Using Gaussian Random Variables”, USPTO-2016-0013819, Jan. 2016.
3. Sajid Ahmed, Seifallah Jardak, Mohamed Slim Alouini, “Navigator for Visually Impaired People”, USPTO Application No. 62/683,133, Jun. 2018.
Development Work:
KAUST gave me an opportunity to transform my research findings into reality in the form of a demo. Following are the demos that we have developed in KAUST.
1. A mm-wave radar and machine learning based classifier for road users.
2. A mm-wave radar based patient's vital sign monitoring system for multiple patients.
3. A mm-wave radar based navigator for visually impaired people. This project was in collaboration with VTT Espoo, Finland.
Our road user classification demo won the first prize in IEEE Aerospace and Electronics System Society's Radar challenge show held in Atlanta, USA, May 2021.
Our probeless patient monitoring demo won the second prize in IEEE Aerospace and Electronics System Society's Radar challenge show held in Atlanta, USA, May 2021.
Contribution award from the University of Edinburgh on MoD, UK project for my exceptional research to design practical finite alphabet constant-envelope waveforms for MIMO-radar beampatterns.
Education Profile
- Ph.D. in Digital Signal Processing, King's College London and Cardiff University, London, UK (October 2002 - October 2005)
- M.S. in Communication Engineering , University of Manchester, Manchester, UK (October 2001 - October 2002)
- B.S. in Electronics, Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan (March 1994 - March 1998)
I strongly believe that KAUST will bring another Islamic golden age with some great pioneering work and some additional new inventions in science and technology, like what happened in the past with people from all over the world coming to the "House-of-Wisdom" Bagdad to learn Mathematics, Astronomy, and Engineering