Sameh Sorour
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow (former), Communication Theory Lab
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),Assistant Professor at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) since September 2013.
Research Interests
- Network Coding.
- Wireless networks.
- Vehicular/sensor/cognitive radio networks.
- Indoor localizations.
- Cognitive radio networks.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada, 2010
- Master of Engineering (MEng)
- Electrical Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, 2006
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
- Electrical Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, 2002
I chose KAUST because it is the best place to make a smooth transition of my research expertise and endeavors from North America to the Middle East. With its high research quality, aspirations, and high-profile professors, KAUST is the perfect place in this region of the world for talented students to start their research careers, and for motivated researchers to significantly expand on their research achievements. Moreover, KAUST professors provide the flexibility to postdoctoral fellows to grow in their own research areas and exert their own creativity as independent researchers.
Selected Publications
- Mohammadi, M. ., Al-Fuqaha, A. ., Sorour, S. ., & Guizani, M. . (2018). Deep learning for IoT big data and streaming analytics: A survey.
- Arshad, R. ., ElSawy, H. ., Sorour, S. ., Al-Naffouri, T. Y., & Alouini, M.-S. . (2016). Handover Management in 5G and Beyond: A Topology Aware Skipping Approach.
- Sorour, S. ., & Valaee, S. . (2014). Completion Delay Minimization for Instantly Decodable Network Codes.
- Sorour, S. ., Lostanlen, Y. ., Valaee, S. ., & Majeed, K. . (2014). Joint Indoor Localization and Radio Map Construction with Limited Deployment Load.
- Au, A. W. S., Feng, C. ., Valaee, S. ., Reyes, S. ., Sorour, S. ., Markowitz, S. N. M. N., … Eizenman, M. . (2012). Indoor Tracking and Navigation Using Received Signal Strength and Compressive Sensing on a Mobile Device.