The Importance of Prioritizing Kindness


In the current complex and fast-moving work environment where schedules are compressed and workloads are superfluous, the smallest acts of kindness can have a transformative effect on the success, health, and well-being of team members, both the receivers and givers.

Conducting genuine acts of kindness has been found to offer at least the following benefits in the workplace as well as outside work:

  1. Lowered blood pressure and improved overall heart and digestion health,
  2. Increased energy, innovation, creativity and productivity, and
  3. Stimulation of serotonin – the feel-good chemical heals wounds, calms down, improves sleep, and stabilizes moods.

There are many practices that are known to promote kindness in the workplace but the ones that have proven most effective are those that involve taking the time to meet, talk, listen, and seek to understand. Because sincere kindness is crucial to building trust, it leads to earnest engagement and collaboration, and that is a key ingredient for prolific outcomes.

I challenge everyone to practice random acts of kindness, they are known to be highly contagious, it’s good to test positive for kindness!

Kind wishes,

Hanaa, RC3 Manager