Dr. Ammar El Falou joined King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), in 2021, as a Research Engineer, where he worked in the Communication Theory Lab (CTL). Currently, he is a Research Scientist at the Resilient Computing and Cybersecurity Center (RC3).

Education and Early Career

Ammar El Falou received in 2009 his M.E. in Communication and Computer Engineering from the Lebanese University, Lebanon, and the M.Sc. degree in Digital Telecommunication Systems from TELECOM Paris and UPMC, Paris, France. In 2013, he received his Ph.D. in communication and information science from IMT Atlantique, Brest, France. In 2014, he was a postdoctoral at Orange Labs, Sophia Antipolis, France. From 2015 to 2020, he was an assistant professor at Lebanese University (LU), Beirut Arab University (BAU), and Lebanese International University (LIU). Before joining KAUST, he was an assistant professor at ESIEE Paris, France. 

Scientific Interest 

Ammar El Falou is interested in Network Security, Gaming Security, and Wireless Communications. 

Education Profile

  •  PhD in Information and Communication Science and Technology (ICST), IMT Atlantique (former Telecom Bretagne), Brest, France, May 2013. 
  • M.S. in Digital Communication Systems, Telecom Paris and Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, September 2009.
  •  M.E. in Communication and Computer Engineering, Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon, September 2009.

Awards and Distinctions

  • Ph.D. Grant from Brittany Region in France