AMCS Seminar: Sparse-grids-based Uncertainty Quantification of geochemical compaction of sedimentary basins

Date: Tuesday 18th Sep 2018
Time:10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Location: Building 1, Level 4, Room 4214

Lorenzo Tamellini is a researcher at CNR-IMATI, Pavia (Italy). His research topics are numerical methods for PDEs (in particular, Isogeometric Analysis) and Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). In details, he works on polynomial approximation methods for UQ (mostly stochastic collocation on sparse grids and multi-index stochastic collocation), with applications to groundwater flows and geochemical compaction problems, for both direct and inverse UQ problems. He maintains the Matlab library Sparse Grids Matlab kit. More details can be found at

Refreshments: will be available at 9:45 am.