KAUST Research Conference: Predictive Complex Computational Fluid Dynamics 2017
KAUST will host the 2017 Research Conference "Predictive Complex Computational Fluid Dynamics " on May 22-24, 2017. The Research Conference aims to gather international top scientists of all ages from academia and industry and will focus on cutting-edge research in the field of algorithmic development for CFD and multi-scale complex flow simulations. Although CFD is arguably the oldest area of computational science, it is a very challenging and active one, due to to the fact that worldwide research centers, in the private and public sector, are still actively working on the development and application of CFD algorithms to supplement experiment and to interpolate between experimental scenarios. CFD is currently being applied to scenarios where physical experiments are not feasible due to prohibitive costs, and ethical concerns, or where reproducibility is impossible to achieve.
KAUST will host the 2017 Research Conference "Predictive Complex Computational Fluid Dynamics " on May 22-24, 2017.
The Research Conference aims to gather international top scientists of all ages from academia and industry and will focus on cutting-edge research in the field of algorithmic development for CFD and multi-scale complex flow simulations.
Although CFD is arguably the oldest area of computational science, it is a very challenging and active one, due to to the fact that worldwide research centers, in the private and public sector, are still actively working on the development and application of CFD algorithms to supplement experiment and to interpolate between experimental scenarios. CFD is currently being applied to scenarios where physical experiments are not feasible due to prohibitive costs, and ethical concerns, or where reproducibility is impossible to achieve.
CEMSE invites submissions for the poster session: individuals will have the opportunity to present their research. The Predictive Complex Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference Poster Session offers an excellent venue for extended informal discussion with conference attendees.
All contributors are requested to REGISTER for the conference.
Posters authors are requested send their abstract (limited to 200 words and should summarize the studies done for the poster) to PCCFD.Conference@kaust.edu.sa Thursday, April 13th
Deadline for title and abstract submission Thursday, April 27th
Notification of selected posters Sunday, May 8th
The Conference is organized with financial support from the KAUST Office of Sponsored Research (OSR), the Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE) Division, and additional support provided by the KAUST Industry Collaboration Program (KICP), Industry Partnerships office.