Bringing the Cloud to industrial systems: trends, opportunities and challenges


In recent years we are witnessing the advent of service computing and cloud technologies in industrial applications, with intriguing innovations and novel compelling challenges.

For instance, in the automotive, there are initiatives for consolidating Electronic Control Units (ECUs) as virtual machines on the same board. Or in the Industry 4.0 (I4.0), researchers and practitioners are dealing with the challenge of making the factory floor programmable by softwarizing hardware elements with edge-cloud native components.

The talk will delve into this novel trend, discussing enabling virtualization technologies for industrial systems, including hypervisors, real-time container-based solutions, and software orchestration approaches. Challenges and opportunities concerning, among others, the safety and security of future cloudified industrial environments will be presented as well, also considering the author’s recent perspective on partitioned containers and criticality-aware orchestration solutions.

Brief Biography

Marcello Cinque is an associate professor of computer engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, where he teaches Operating Systems and Real-Time Computing. He graduated with honors from the same University in 2003, where he earned a Ph.D. in Computer and Systems engineering in 2006. His research work focuses on dependable, secure, and real-time computing systems, including failure data analysis, dependability modeling, and lightweight virtualization approaches for mixed-criticality systems. He has been involved in the program and/or organizing committee of several international conferences on dependable and secure computing, including DSN, EDCC, PRDC, and ISSRE. His research efforts have been applied in research projects funded by the Italian government, the European Commission, or the ITER organization, where he has been involved as principal investigator or work package leader. He is the co-founder of a company named Critiware, focusing on critical systems engineering, born in 2011 as a Federico II academic spin-off.

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