Prof. Francesca Gardini, Università di Pavia
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 16:00
- 17:00
Building 1, Level 3, Room 3119
We will discuss the solution of eigenvalue problems associated with partial differential equations (PDE)s that can be written in the generalised form Ax = λMx, where the matrices A and/or M may depend on a scalar parameter. Parameter dependent matrices occur frequently when stabilised formulations are used for the numerical approximation of PDEs. With the help of classical numerical examples we will show that the presence of one (or both) parameters can produce unexpected results.
Prof. Silvia Bertoluzza
Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 16:00
- 17:00
Building 2, Level 5, Room 5209
We present a theoretical analysis of the Weak Adversarial Networks (WAN) method, recently proposed in [1, 2], as a method for approximating the solution of partial differential equations in high dimensions and tested in the framework of inverse problems. In a very general abstract framework.
Prof. Christof Schmidhuber, ZHAW School of Engineering
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 16:00
- 17:00
Building 9, Level 2, Room 2322
Analogies between financial markets and critical phenomena have long been observed empirically. So far, no convincing theory has emerged that can explain these empirical observations. Here, we take a step towards such a theory by modeling financial markets as a lattice gas.
Prof. Dr. Victorita Dolean, Mathematics and Computer Science, Scientific Computing, TU Eindhoven
Tuesday, February 06, 2024, 16:00
- 17:00
Building 2, Level 5, Room 5220
Wave propagation and scattering problems are of huge importance in many applications in science and engineering - e.g., in seismic and medical imaging and more generally in acoustics and electromagnetics.
Prof. Zhiming Chen, Academy of mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 14:30
- 16:00
Building 4, Level 5, Room 5220
In this short course, we will introduce some elements in deriving the hp a posteriori error estimate for a high-order unfitted finite element method for elliptic interface problems. The key ingredient is an hp domain inverse estimate, which allows us to prove a sharp lower bound of the hp a posteriori error estimator.
Sunday, October 22, 2023, 16:00
- 18:00
Building 3, Level 5, Room 5220
Contact Person
III-Nitride materials have continuously attracted the attention of semiconductor researchers for the last decades. III-Nitrides are considered a key material for a wide range of applications, such as power electronics and color displays, and have proven to be suitable as an efficient light source. This work provides a multi-directional approach for realizing efficient InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs).
Prof. Yoshiaki Nakano, Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, The University of Tokyo
Sunday, December 04, 2022, 14:30
- 15:30
Building 4, Level 5, Room 5209
Contact Person
This lecture will review research trends of III-V compound semiconductor ultra-high efficiency photovoltaic (PV) cells based on multiple junctions and quantum well/dot approaches. It will also introduce field trials of highly efficient green hydrogen production through the direct connection of electrolyzers and concentrator PV modules with the above-mentioned compound semiconductor solar cells built-in.
Tuesday, November 01, 2022, 10:00
- 11:30
Building 1, Level 3, Room 3119
Contact Person
This dissertation presents a variety of methodological approaches to characterize, from a microstructural point of view, different properties of novel III-nitride-based heterostructures and devices. The results of the various characterizations contributed to developing novel LEDs and photocatalysts. The analyses and results presented in this dissertation strongly relied on the analytical capabilities offered by transmission electron microscopy, which proved to be a convenient and versatile tool for the characterization of many aspects related to the fabrication of III-nitride-based optoelectronic devices.
Sunday, October 03, 2021, 12:00
- 13:00
Contact Person
This talk will provide an overview of the III-nitride-based visible light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Especially, the InGaN-based blue LEDs are very contributed to energy-saving for light sources all over the world.
Sunday, April 04, 2021, 12:00
- 13:00
Energy is an indispensable part of our lives. We are challenging energy-saving novel light emitters and clean-energy generation systems at Energy Conversion Devices and Materials (ECO Devices) Laboratory at KAUST. The former is based on MOCVD technology, material science, and device technology. The latter is the nitride photocatalyst invented by Ohkawa. The development of highly-efficient InGaN-based blue LEDs was the topic of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics. InGaN-based green LEDs were realized after improving the quality of higher-In-content InGaN. The three primary colors in light are RGB. The current red LEDs are based on InGaP as the active region. If we realize red LEDs by InGaN, we can fabricate the monolithic RGB LEDs in a wafer. Such RGB integration will be a breakthrough for micro-LED displays that are the next generation after the OLED displays. In this seminar, the science of MOCVD, the growth of high-In-content InGaN, and the state-of-the-art InGaN-based red LEDs will be introduced.
Sunday, April 05, 2020, 12:00
- 13:00
In this seminar, the science of MOCVD, the material science of InGaN, and the new-born InGaN-based red LED performance will be discussed. The three primary colors in light are RGB. Green and blue LEDs have been realized by using InGaN active region. The current red LEDs are based on AlGaAs or InGaP as the active region. If we can realize red LEDs by InGaN, it is possible to integrate RGB LEDs in a wafer. Such RGB integration is a breakthrough to develop the next displays, so-called, micro-LED displays that are the next after the OLED displays, and functional LED lightings.