COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTOR announced a result from ECO Device Lab as an article

Compound Semiconductor is a general journal of the United Kingdom and is widely read by engineers in the fields of optoelectronics and electronic devices. The journal focused on our research result about 665-nm LEDs since the emission peak wavelength and the low voltage are the important milestones in this field.
See the article on page 68 in Compound Semiconductor volume 26 issue 2 March 2020.​

Compound Semiconductor is a general journal of the United Kingdom and is widely read by engineers in the fields of optoelectronics and electronic devices. The journal focused on our research result about 665-nm LEDs since the emission peak wavelength and the low voltage are the important milestones in this field.

See the article on page 68 in Compound Semiconductor volume 26 issue 2 March 2020.
