The paper entitled "Energy transport analysis in a Ga0.84In0.16N/GaN heterostructure using microscopic Raman images employing simultaneous coaxial irradiation of two lasers" reports the pump and probe method in Raman spectroscopy is valid for analyzing energy or heat transport across the heterointerface. This paper has been ​chosen as an Editor's Pick.

The paper entitled “Influence of polymerization among Al- and Ga-containing molecules on growth rate and Al content in AlGaN” indicates the AlGaN growth mechanism. AlGaN is one of key materials for light-emitters and electronic devices.

The paper entitled “Investigation of p-GaN layer thickness of InGaN-based photoelectrode for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation” mentioned the enhancement of energy conversion efficiency by band engineering.
 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58, SCCC32 (2019).

The paper entitled “Metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxial growth simulation to realize high-quality and high-In-content InGaN alloys” will inspire InGaN MOVPE growth and their LED applications. DOI: ​10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.02.018​