ECRC contributions to SIAM CSE21
As in previous SIAM conferences on Parallel Processing (PP) and Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), ECRC members and their collaborators will have a strong presence at SIAM CSE21, nominally in Fort Worth, Texas, but held virtually due to the pandemic.
SIAM CSE21 will run virtually with live sessions.
Registration to SIAM CSE is required to gain access to the online platform and attend live sessions.
Once registered, please use your personal login information to join the online virtual platform and attend our following talks.
All times are listed in CST time zone (+9hrs in Arabic Standard Time).
Talks are 20min including 5min Q&A.
March 1st 2021
09:45am-10:05am Sameh Abdulah, Hatem Ltaief, Ying Sun, Marc Genton, and David Keyes: ExaGeoStat: Moving Towards Large-Scale Geostatistical Modeling on Manycore Systems (abstract, slides)
10:05am-10:25am Alexander Litvinenko, Ronald Kriemann, Marc G. Genton, Ying Sun, David E. Keyes: Parallel Hierarchical Matrix Technique to Approximate Large Covariance Matrices, Likelihood Functions and Parameter Identification (abstract, slides)
10:45am-11:05am Youssef Mesri, Wael Bader, Rabab Omairy, Hatem Ltaief, and David Keyes: A Multiscale Simulation of a Coronavirus Infecting a Cell (abstract, slides)
2:55pm-3:15pm Yuxi Hong, El Houcine Bergou, Nicolas Doucet, Hao Zhang, Jesse Cranney, Hatem Ltaief, Damien Gratadour, Francois Rigaut, and David Keyes: Accelerating Adaptive Optics Computational Systems using Levenberg–Marquardt (abstract, slides)
3:15pm-3:35pm Jian Cao, Marc Genton, David Keyes, George Turkiyyah: Sum of Kronecker Products Representation and Its Cholesky Factorization for Spatial Covariance Matrices from Large Grids (abstract, slides)
4:15pm-4:35pm David Keyes: Supercomputing in the Pandemic Response (abstract, slides)
4:55pm-5:15pm Rabab Alomairy, Wael Bader, Hatem Ltaief, Youssef Mesri, and David Keyes: Performance Evaluation of Rank Structured Matrix Computations for 3D Unstructured Mesh Deformation on Massively Parallel Systems (abstract, slides)
March 2nd 2021
10:25 - 10:45 Hendrik Ranocha, David I. Ketcheson, Matteo Parsani, and Lisandro Dalcin: Temporal Step-Size Control for Compressible CFD (abstract, slides)
MS115 (PART I)
10:45 - 11:05 Hendrik Ranocha, Mohammed Sayyari, Matteo Parsani, Lisandro Dalcin, and David I. Ketcheson: Fully-Discrete Entropy-Conservative and -Dissipative Methods based on Relaxation (abstract, slides)
March 3rd 2021
MS170 (PART I)
2:35pm-2:55pm Sameh Abdulah, Kadir Akbudak, Rabab Alomairy, George Bosilca, Qinglei Cao, Jack Dongarra, David Keyes, and Hatem Ltaief: Tile-Centric Mixed Precision Computations for HPC Applications (abstract, slides)
March 4th 2021
9:45am-10:05pm Dalal Sukkari, Hatem Ltaief, and David Keyes: High Performance Polar Decomposition on Manycore Systems and its Application to Symmetric Eigensolvers (abstract, slides)
11:05am-11:25pm Clement W. Royer, Elhoucine Bergou, Youssef Diouane, and Vyacheslav Kungurtsev: Stochastic Levenberg-Marquardt Methods for Noisy Derivative-Free Optimization with Complexity Results and Application to Data Assimilation (abstract, slides)
02:55pm-03:15pm Samar A. Aseeri: A Scheduling Policy to Improve 10% of Communication Time in Parallel FFT (abstract, slides)
March 5th 2021
MS312 (PART I)
9:10am-9:30pm Qinglei Cao, Yu Pei, Kadir Akbudak, George Bosilca, Hatem Ltaief, David Keyes, and Jack Dongarra: Extreme-Scale Tile Low-Rank Cholesky Factorization Using the PaRSEC Task-Based Runtime (abstract, slides)
MS314 (PART I)
9:10am-9:30pm Matteo Parsani: Provably Stable Fully Discrete Methods for a Large Class of Reaction Diffusion Equations (abstract, slides)
9:30am-09:50am Long Qu, Kadir Akbudak, Hatem Ltaief, and David Keyes: Performance Evaluation of Multicore Wavefront Diamond Tiling Technique for Stencil Computations (abstract, slides)
10:20am-10:40am Damien Gratadour, Jesse Cranney, Yuxi Hong, Hatem Ltaief, Francois Rigaud, and David Keyes: Investigating Low-Rank Matrix Computations for Real-Time Computational Astronomy (abstract, slides)