A new exascale climate emulator marks a significant advancement as the first to generate, display, and evaluate hourly emulations. This achievement has led an interdisciplinary research team from KAUST to be named a finalist for the prestigious Gordon Bell Prize in Climate Modelling.


We explore the possibilities of a hybrid system capable of solving both HPC and AI scientific problems. Such a hybrid architecture combines the synergism between classical HPC platforms and dedicated AI chip systems, which is important due to the computational challenges brought to the fore by massively parallel Exascale systems.


Come and share your experiences with the state-of-the-art of mixed-precision techniques! By wisely trading off accuracy, we can mitigate data movement overheads and increase performance of applications, including real-time adaptive optics simulations on ground-based telescopes and genome-wide association study for agricultural genomics.

Regular stencil computations constitute the main core kernel in many temporally explicit approaches for structured grid finite-difference, finite-volume, and finite-element discretizations of partial differential equation conservation laws.



As in previous SIAM conferences on Parallel Processing (PP) and Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), ECRC members and their collaborators will have a strong presence at SIAM CSE21, nominally in Fort Worth, Texas, but held virtually due to the pandemic.