The annual Al-Kindi Student Awards (sponsored by the CEMSE division) celebrate the talent and achievements of the Statistics Program's students. The awards are presented in recognition of the academic accomplishments (Al-Kindi Statistics Top Quals Student Award) and research impact (Al-Kindi Statistics Research Student Award) of our leading students in the fields of Statistics.

The awards are named after Al-Kindi (801-873 CE), a prominent figure in the House of Wisdom, whose book entitled "Manuscript on Deciphering Cryptographic Messages" is believed to be the earliest writing on Statistics. In his book, Al-Kindi gave a detailed description of how to decipher encrypted messages using Statistics and frequency analysis. This text arguably gave rise to the birth of both Statistics and cryptanalysis.



Al-Kindi Statistics Top Quals Student Award:

  • TBA

Al-Kindi Statistics Research Student Award:

  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA



Al-Kindi Statistics Top Quals Student Award:

Al-Kindi Statistics Research Student Award:



Al-Kindi Statistics Top Quals Student Award:

Al-Kindi Statistics Research Student Award:



Al-Kindi Statistics Top Quals Student Award:

Al-Kindi Statistics Research Student Award:



Al-Kindi Statistics Top Quals Student Award:

Al-Kindi Statistics Research Student Award: