femto cell performance in heterogeneous networks |
bioengineering, bioinformatics, machine learning |
computational physics, Homogenization |
metamaterials, phononics |
Antennas, electromagnetism |
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit |
Bayesian computational statistics, data analysis |
Resource allocation |
UAV communications |
artificial intelligence, machine learning |
bioinformatics, networks and wireless communications, photonics |
algorithm, machine learning |
graphical models, spatial statistics, Statistics of extremes |
bioinformatics, Computational biology |
Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics, Statistics of extremes |
Functional data, nonparametric statistics, robust statistics, spatio-temporal statistics, statistics |
data mining, machine learning |
control, fault detection |
machine learning, privacy |
nonparametric statistics, robust statistics, Time Series Analysis |
graphical models, high dimensional statistics, spatio-temporal statistics |
edge computing, Federated learning, Machine Learning Systems, resilient computing |
GaN HEMT, GaN-based electronics, III - V compound semiconductors |
computer networking and systems |
Cognitive and sensor radio networks, Performance limits at low power regime, Physical layer security |
antenna design, Antennas, microwave imaging, microwave sensing |
big data, cloud computing, problem solving |
Electrically Small Antenna Design |