Environmental Statistics, Statistics of extremes, STSDS |
electromagnetics, integral equations, inverse scattering, numerical analysis, wave propagation |
artificial intelligence, Wireless communication |
Experimental test design, Supersonic flight |
Indoor localization, ultrasound ranging, wireless monitoring |
statistics |
Next-generation Wireless Networks, Optical Wireless Communication |
bioelectronics, healthcare, monitoring |
uncertainty quantification |
Low complexity sphere decoding, MIMO and Passive radar, MIMO-radar waveform design |
Biosensors, chemical sensors, microfluidics |
artificial intelligence, machine learning |
Delay Tolerant Networks, LoRa, TinyML, Visible light communications |
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications |
cadence, Comsol Multiphysics, device fabrication, digital logic design, MEMS |
Computer Vision, machine learning |
Agent Management, embedded systems, Mobile Agents, optimal control, Space Robotics, Urban Air Management |
power generating domestic interfaces, thermoelectric power harvesters |
administrative operations |
exageostat, extreme computing, large-scale computing, machine learning, parallel algorithms, Statistical computing |
cognitive radio networks., Indoor localization, network coding, Vehicular networks and intelligent transportation systems, wireless networks |
adaptive control, control localization, Control Theory, distributed control, intelligent systems, Multi-agent systems, robotics, wireless sensor networks |
big data, machine learning, optimization, statistics |
Approximate computing, Signal processing, Stochastic Modeling |
Biosensors, flexible electronics, Gas Sensors, memory devices, sensors |
Biosensors, core-shell nanoparticles, energy conversion, energy storage, Gas Sensors |
bioinformatics, cancer, machine learning, Ontologies, text mining |
Computer Vision, image processing |
computer graphics, Computer Vision, image processing, Scientific Visualization |
control systems, intelligent systems, robotics |
artificial intelligence, genomics, healthcare, statistical methods |
high dimensional statistics, Time Series |
LiDAR, optical computing |
communications, power distribution, radar applications, rf signals, smart grids |
FMCW radar, MIMO and Passive radar, target parameter estimation, transmit beampattern design |
bioinformatics, data integration, data mining, information extraction, named entity recognition |
X-ray crystallography |
diversity techniques, MIMO fading channels, Next generation wireless communications |
photonics |
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, Deep learning, machine learning |
discrete optimization, machine learning |
Analog circuit design, Spintronics devices |
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems |
Phononic Crystals |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning |
machine learning, Next generation wireless communications |
intelligent oil fields, mechatronic systems, power conversion, smart grids |
bioinformatics, Computational biology, machine learning, protein structure prediction |
electronics, healthcare, IoT, sensors |
data mining, machine learning |
intelligent systems, robotics |
inkjet printed electronics |
data mining |
Kinetic Theory, Measure Valued Solutions, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation |
MIMO, mmWave/Terahertz communications, optical wireless communicaitons, spatial modulation |
Biostatistics |
special imaging |
Computer Vision, Long-Form Video Understanding, Temporal Action Detection |
extreme computing |
artificial intelligence assisted communications, Cooperative communications, OFDM with index modulation |
computational thermodynamics, computational transport phenomena, Finite element methods, numerical analysis, numerical oil reservoir simulations |
biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, signal-transduction |
Cooperative communications, Hardware constrained communications, interference management, solar energy, vehicular monitoring, vehicular tracking |
statistics |
3D understanding, artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep learning, robotics, Sports, start-up, Technology Transfer |
computational imaging, Computational Photography, inverse problems |
analytical instrumentation, University of Liverpool, University of Oxford |
Analysis of PDE's, biological network and complex systems, Gradient flows, Mathematical modeling, Measure theory, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation |
Causal Connectivity, Dynamic Clustering, Time Series Analysis |
bioinformatics, Computational biology, machine learning |
5G, Satellite Communications |
Time Series |