probability theory, Stochastic Modeling |
Computer Vision, machine learning |
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Stochastic Geometry, Visible light communications |
3D printing, 4D printing, sensors |
Controller design, Model Predictive, Signal processing |
Control Theory, machine learning algorithm, optimal control, Reinforcement Learning |
Free-space optical wireless communication, FSO systems |
mechanical, oil industry |
Data Analyst, Software Developer |
Learning in Physical Environments, machine learning |
big data management, cloud computing, wireless mesh networks |
computational probability, Monte Carlo Methodology |
optical fiber, Photonics and optoelectronics |
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, machine learning, Reinforcement Learning |
Fractal Antenna Design, Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits, system on chip |
artificial intelligence, Automatic Control Systems, distributed control, machine learning, robotics, Ultrasonic-based Localization |
control systems, Control Theory, robotics |
protein function prediction |
Capacity of fading channels, Interference management in femtocell networks |
data mining, machine learning |
Budget Review and Forecast, Faculty Baseline, Financial Reports |
artificial intelligence, embedded systems |
artificial intelligence, computer graphics |
artificial intelligence, Wireless Communications |
Digital signal processing in communications, Information and communication theory, Signal propagation aspects |
bioinformatics, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Neuro-Symbolic AI |
Action Recognition, Self-supervised learning, Video Understanding |
machine learning, optimization |
conferences and workshops |
3D design, applied geometry, architectural geometry, architecture, mathematics |
Environmental Statistics, machine learning, spatio-temporal statistics, statistics |
bioinformatics, data analysis, machine learning, metabolic simulations, rare genetic disorders |
machine learning, Online learning, optimization, Statistical learning theory |
Machine Tool Systems, Siemens |
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, robotics |
data management, machine learning |
Bayesian Prediction, Biomedical Engineering, Signal processing, Sparse Recovery, Tracking of Sparse Signals |